One platform, endless publishing possibilities| brings together all the tools to expedite your publishing process. Our innovative solutions adapt to your needs, giving you the flexibility and control to scale on your terms.
Features dashboard
Produce your book with our guided writing process, tailored for success.

Produce your book with our guided writing process, tailored for success.

Type Writer dashboard
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Book Topic Ideas

Spot winning topics fast with sales, earnings, and key metrics like Amazon search volumes.
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Customer Research

No manual research needed, get complete analyses of your ideal audience's preferences and motivations.
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Book Outline

A strong outline is key to a great book. Get tailored outlines based on your project’s research, ready for your input.
Generate manuscripts with a single click.

Generate manuscripts with a single click.

Wish you could quickly create a book? Our revolutionary Manuscript Writer generates a 30,000-word draft in hours, tailored to your needs. Save time and money compared to ghostwriting, with many top publishers already selling books from these high-quality manuscripts on Amazon.
Guided writing process dashboard
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Personalize & Polish

Preview your draft manuscript before it's fully-created with our writing sample feature. Adjust the writing tone & your inputs easily, to save time when editing and finalizing your manuscript before you publish.
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Covers &  Illustrations

Coming Soon
Save hundreds per book with our powerful yet simple-to-use graphics creator. Easily generate eye-catching covers designed to grab attention, and delight readers with custom illustrations that set your books apart.
Promote, Profit & Repeat.

Promote, Profit & Repeat.

Insights dashboard
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Topic Research

Spot winning topics fast with sales, earnings, and key metrics like Amazon search volumes.
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Sales & Analytics

Coming Soon
Track all your book sales in one place. Measure, improve, and plan for your publishing success.
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Book Descriptions

Compelling, sales-driven descriptions that showcase your book’s unique qualities, quickly and effectively. logo engine

Efficiency unleashed.

Technology should assist, not replace you. At, we automate tedious tasks to streamline your publishing journey, but great books still require your unique touch. There’s no shortcut to bestsellers—it takes real effort. Trust the process, use our tools, and create books your readers will love.